Wednesday 30 March 2011

Things that didn't work/fit and the problems we faced


In order to get some music to play over our opening we chose to use garageband. Garageband is a website which has music that is not copyrighted meaing that we could chose any genre of music we wanted for free. There was a wide range of music on this particular website but we wanted a certain type to emphasise, and portray a sense of sadness, distress and loneliness but also to sound scary and mysterious. We narrowed it down to 5 that we liked that unfortunately sounded pretty similar all together. These were not songs written but noises that conveyed a certain message.

Music plays a key role in horror films as it can act as the heart of emotion for both the characters and the audience. Depending on the music being played can result in a sudden or gradual change in the mood of the characters and can change the story all together. This can be through synchronous/asynchronous sounds or contrapuntal sounds etc. Our overall thought regarding the music to include in our film was that we wanted it to be non-diegetic meaning that you could not see the music being played and also for it to be sychronous to what was going to happen on the screen.

In order to maintain the ideas, codes and conventions of traditional, modern day horrors, we had to keep in mind the fact that alot of horrors have the same music being played all the time in the opening credits. This is so as to not confuse the audience but to make them feel uneasy because if the scene was a sad scene where someone has died for example but the music being played is content then this can be seen as wierd and/or freaky. On the other hand, if there was a happy scene so in this case, Chloe's flashback of her and her sister Aimee playing in the park but the music being played is distressing, scary and generally opposite to the pictures on the screen then this can have the same effect or if not can create a feeling that everything is not right and the characters should not be doing what they are doing.

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