Thursday 31 March 2011

Evaluation questions:

Q5) How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to attract and/or address our target audience, we set about doing some questionnaires in order to receive feed back on our film to get a general idea of what our target audience were expecting. We did two separate questionnaires, one at the beginning of the planning stage where we were getting a general feel for the horror genre and what our target audience required from us and the other one at the end. The questionnaires we did at the end were focused on how our audience felt about the finished product and whether it had met our aims/goals that we set ourselves at the beginning. Here are some of the results that we got from our first questionnaire before the filming stage regarding the horror genre:

In terms of our second and final questionnaire, the answers we got were very reliable. This was because of the fact that our film's target audience was youths and the respondents we actually asked were youths meant we could get a clearer picture and understand what they were talking about. The answers complimented our aims as our film opening (Aftermath) was a horror that represented youth culture so to get people of that audience to answer the questions gave us ideas for the future. What also helped was the fact that a lot of the questions from the survey specifically looked at how we could improve our film in any way, shape or form.

Depending on each question, there were a set of answers that had different options in which we could improve our film for things like the dialogue, acting, scenery, use of camera use of editing etc. Having people of the target audience answering the questions and advising us on giving room for improvement taught us what to include to next time round. Overall, the general feed back we got back from our second questionnaire was positive and fortunate. There were not a lot of suggestions for improvement but the advise we did get was very helpful.

One respondent said that the music we chose from garage band to play over our opening to our film (Conspiracy) over-shadowed the sound of the music box. This was understandable and plausible as this was the scene where Chloe's character opened her music box after having a breakdown but you could not hear it very clearly. Another respondent said that the 'Conspiracy' music was a bit weird and did not really go with the plot but also the fact that it did not sound very much like horror music but more like sci-fi.

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