Friday 25 March 2011

Initial thoughts and ideas:


This was a hard choice for all of us because we wanted to maintain the simple, initial thoughts for the plot meaning that we could not have too many characters. The idea of anonymous characters began to appear into our plans for the people involved resulting in possibly having two to three actors involved in this. We realised that alot of openings of horrors had a very simple structure regarding the actors. This meant that most of the time there was 'off-screen' conversations happening between characters or if someone was being followed, then the audience do not necessarily see the pursuer of their preferable victim (depending on the context and/or plot).

We really wanted to have a female lead character because this can have a negative or positive effect on the audience and, depending on the plot, having a female lead role could make her and the audience feel vulnerable or invulnerable. We agreed that having a male lead role in a horror is  a very predictable choice to make as a lot of horrors who have the lead character as a male make out the idea that they are either sinister or are definitely going to die. We finally made a choice and Chloe did not mind taking the lead role. Chloe fitted the role perfectly as it was hard to tell whether she was trustworthy or evil. We all really liked this idea that Chloe's character was going to be a character that you were not sure whether she was good or bad in simple terms or whether the audience should be on her side or not.
We wanted Chloe's sister to be in the film even though she was not in our group because the idea of vulnerability came into our project. The idea of sisters being together can be used in a positive way or a negative way, for an example, they can be seen as scary like in 'The Shining' where Johnny sees two girls holding hands down the corridor when he is a child. On the other hand, the audience feel scared for sisters or sorry for them when they feature in horrors.

This is the scene with the sisters in 'The Shining'

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