Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation questions:

Q2) How does your media product represent particular social groups:

In Aftermath, we wanted our film to focus specifically on youth culture and how horror as a film genre represents youths. Before the filming stage, we all agreed as a group that we would only choose actors that would appeal to a youth audience but not only for the audience but also to represent youth culture. Youth is a hard section of life to use in terms of representing certain charactersistcs through actors on a screen but it is not impossible. We chose to represent youths partly because we are youths ourselves but also the fact that everyone can relate to them and understand what is going on as adults were youths once as well. We decided to use Chloe as our main character of the two/three.

Chloe's character has alot of issues to deal with which are shown through her thoughts in our opening to the film. She has to deal with the loss of her sister, the possibility of her sister being dead and also to find herself as a person. Maybe not the first two but certainly the third point about youths trying to find themselves and trying to figure out who they are in society is all to do with this period of time. Youth is a time for learning about yourself, who you are and/or who you want to be but it is considering learning about life itself. This idea of trying to find yourself as a person can lead to the issues that everyone faces in life.

This is the theory that we wanted to represent youth culture in our particular film with. Youth is not only the time for learning who you are going to become and life but it is also about learning about other people friends/family. In Chloe's character's case, it is hard for her because she doesn't know (just like the audience) whether her sister (Aimee) has run away or has died both tragic things to think about your relationships but it is also issues in life that we must learn from. The message of the opening credits is unclear but the audience may think have to use their imagination for the story but for the representation of youth cultre, is very clear.

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