Sunday 6 March 2011

Target Audience questionnaire

This is the group of questions we chose to use for our questionnaire in order to find out which conventions to use in our main project. We concentrated on questions that focused on the genre of horrors/thrillers so each question would feature an answer that you could tick that only went by the rules and conventions of horrors/thrillers. We did not have a specific age group in terms of our target audience so we asked a range of people of different ages. However we found that this was more helpful as we wanted our film to appeal to a wide range of ages but mainly youths and young adults. Here are the questions that we chose to ask and the answers that we received:

Audience Research (results)

(Key - blue numbers = how many people answered that Q)

1.   What age range are you in?
  • 16 – 18                    9
  • 19 – 25                    1
  • 26 -30                      1
  • 31 – 40                    1
  • 41 – 50                    1
  1. Are you male or female?
Male                 5          Female             8

  1. What in a movie keeps you interested in it?
(With number next to it is how many people said it, without a number means only one person said it)
Plot  x5, characters x3, setting, empathy with characters , suspense x2, fast pace, romance, flashbacks, dramatic effects, emotional issues, psychological x2, unusual out of the average x2, music, prospect of a happy ending, good acting, intense

  1. What’s the most memorable opening you’ve ever watched? What do you think made it memorable?
(With number next to it is how many people said it, without a number means only one person said it)
Funny games - Sound track, juxtaposition with mundane images
Homecoming - how the beginning is the middle section of the film
Two men jumping from a car to a tanker – unexpected and dangerous
Love actually – happy and fast paced
Zombie land – the violence
Amelie x2 – subtitles, French narration, the visuals, effective dialogue, mise-en scene
The mummy – great scenery of Egypt, good music
Dream girls, suspense, music, flashing pictures
Dear John – conjured up loads of questions
Atonement – starts off getting straight into the issue which makes you interested

  1. How often do you watch horror/thriller films? 
  • Never   2
  • Rarely  1
  • Weekly 1         
  • Monthly 7
  • Once every 6 months 2
  •  6.  Which of these aspects do you think are the most important in making a horror scary?

Lighting                        6
Colour                           2
Sound                           5         
Facial expressions      5
Use of cameras           6

7. In your opinion does music play a big role in making a horror scary?

No                         7
Yes                        6

...If YES, which are the most effective type of music?

Rock                             1  
Ambient                        3
String music                 7
Electro music               2

...If NO, would sound within the film world work better? E.g. singing, crying, heavy breathing

Yes    5
Silence/dialogue throughout would be best   2

  1. What makes the best setting in a horror?
(With number next to it is how many people said it, without a number means only one person said it)
      Ordinary everyday places e.g. office, house, bedroom, park x7 (realism)
Spooky castle,
Derelict house x3,
Claustrophobic spaces,
Derelict village

  1. In your opinion, is having a female villain more effective than a male villain
Yes    7
No      6

10. Who’s the scariest horror villain you’ve seen and why?

(With number next to it is how many people said it, without a number means only one person said it)
Father from butterfly effect - sick in the mind villains x2
Stranger from when a stranger calls
Old lady in drag me to hell – old women are typically meant to be vulnerable x2
Jigsaw –creepy and not a typical villain
Villains in familiar settings
Someone sick in the mind e.g. scientist in human centipede

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