Thursday 31 March 2011

Evaluation questions:

Q3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our media film was never going to be a big budget Hollywood style film as our budget was very small because we only bought two items as props. Our film is more of an independent, typically british low budget film. In terms of the type of media institution that might distribute our film, there is one existing company which is called, 'Dogwoof' pictures. Dogwoof was created in 2004 by Andy Whittaker and Anna Godas, which originally focused on foreign films. They recently began to distribute documentaries such as Black Gold, Crude Awakening, and The Devil Came On Horseback. In 2005 Dogwoof launched the UK Digital Screen Network DSN at the Curzon Soho cinema, where political thriller King's Game was shown.

In 2009 Dogwoof distributed the documentary Age of Stupid The End of the Line, Burma VJ, We Live in Public and Afghan Star. As well as doing foreign films, british films they also include documentaries that link into specific socal problems and issues. These social-issues documentaries such as Dirty Oil, Food, Inc. and Burma VJ are the most famous that they have distributed for.

Colin is an example of a low budet, British horror movie and apperently the budget was £45

Our project would be a good film to be distributed into Dogwoof. This is because our film was a horror but it was an independent horror that did not just focus on the gore but also on how people's lives can change. Our film ticks most of the boxes that Dogwoof looks for in a film as their main aim is to distribute films and documentaries that portray social issues. Our film does this through how Chloe's character faces alot of issues regarding herself and her sister. 

This is taken from the dogwoof website;

Our Ethical Policy...

"We are uncovering better ways of working with movies, doing it and helping others do it. Through ourwork we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools ethical filmmakers over get rich schemes, audience collaboration over old school marketing, innovation and failing over tradition and playing safe, responding to change over following a plan, that is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more."

Films and documentaries that you may have heard distributed by 'dogwoof':

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