Sunday 27 March 2011

Final ideas


After all the planning, we decided that in order to keep to our aim of the film being simple, we agreed to only use four locations as the main idea in terms of the audience was that they had to concentrate on the characters' emotions through their body language, facial expressions, and dialogue. As we had narrowed it down to five places originally through our plans, we knocked off Leigh Woods as no one could be there at the same time in one place and it was too predictable a place to use. This was due to the fact that a forest is a predictable place and it did not feature in our popular answers for the questionnaire.

However, the places we decided to use instead were, Abby's house, the underpass, and a small park by block of flats. In Abby's house, we would film the scene where Chloe's character goes mad, hits walls with her fists and knocks a stash of books off some shelves but calms down after the music box with a low-angle/worm's eye shot all of this will be filmed in a small bedroom, made to symbolise Chloe's and Aimee's room. In the underpass would be the scene where she is presumably drunk but it is hard to tell but she is walking through it and comes out the other side about to get run over. Finally, the small park will feature the scene where at the end of the opening clip where she sees her sister and they appear to be playing with each other but Aimee is not actually there. This scene also has most of the dialogue in it.

This is us filming in the underpass for Chloe's drunk scene;

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