Sunday 27 March 2011

Final ideas

The dialogue:

We decided that in order to maintain our simplicity idea throughout our clip, we wanted to keep the dialogue to a minimum. The only dialogue we hear is through flashbacks. The first piece of dialogue is through the underpass where Chloe's character shouts (non-diegetic sound), "I can't do this anymore". We are made to think that we don't know what she means until the end. The next piece of dialogue is one word, in the middle of the clip, Chloe's character whispers the word Aimee (sister's name) and Aimee's face appears on the screen with an extreme close-up with the park behind her. After this is the scene where they are in the park together and they are sitting on the bench where Chloe goes to touch Aimee and says, "sometimes, I think she is still here." Aimee then disappears. The final part of dialogue is the final shot where Aimee walks off leaving Chloe holding the flower and saying to the audience looking away, "Well, I guess you want to find out how my sister disappeared?"

  • I cant do this anymore
  • Aimee (WHISPER)
  • Sometimes I think shes still there
  • I guess you want to know how she disappeared
The props:

We decided that in order to maintain our simplicity idea throughout our clip to only use two props, which were the flower at the beginning and end of the clip and the music box. We thought that if we added the baby photo of Chloe and Aimee would be too much and would go against our aim of simplicity. Also a common answer in the questionnaire regarding props was that they should not play a big part in horrors because the audience should be made to focus on the dialogue, facial expressions, and body language portrayed through the character's emotions using close/extreme close-ups.

The music:

The final element to our finished product was our music of choice. Using garageband, we had narrowed it down to four songs that unfortunately sounded very similar to each other. They all had an eerie feel to them which was great but the problem was that they did not compliment the mood of the film and each one by itself changed the mood all together. Although this was a problem, we all came up with the same idea this was that if we narrowed it down even further to the three we liked best but then we mixed and played them over the top of each other, then we could get an appropriate, overall feel for the film. We did this and miraculously, it worked, there was the eeriness of the low cello in one of them to symbolise Chloe's distress of loosing Aimee, the guitar/drums that gave it a bit of a cheesy but effective feel then lastly, the sound which (on garageband) was called 'Alien' this was a very effective piece as it gave a sense of confusion which worked really well and ticked off our aim to create a unique horror/thriller. 
This is a screen grab of the period of time when were choosing songs from garageband to use in our final opening to our horror film. In the end, we all agreed to use 'Conspiracy' as it ticked all the boxes. and also went really well with the shots and angles in the film.

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